One Hero, tiny portrait and different Blademaster collar.
Visiting the Dragon with only one Hero and different portrait position/size
Two Heroes and a triangle cursor.
Two Heroes and the cursor from Warcraft Adventures / Warcraft II.
Two Heroes, new Orc cursor and smaller portraits.
One of my favourite screenshots: It looks like the Pre ECTS version, but has a bigger font size in the gold display box.
This version is tricky: It looks like E3 2000, but E3 2000 had no gold (But the Gold Box-Display)
and the Heroes had a description when selected.
There are two subversions that show different versions of the maps.
Old maps and faked interface (official shot, not edited by someone outside Blizzard):
Old maps:
New maps
This and the following version were extremly hard to differ from eachother.
Some screenshots may be from the version with big XP bar, but you can't decide, when no hero is selected.
I simply guess, these screeshots are a little bit older.
This screenshot seems to be slightly older than the following ones (Font width/height is different and the map is buggy).
This screenshot is really very hard to categorize, but finally, I decided it must be after Inside Mac Games, due to the resource order and the fog of war. The Human icon instead of the Orc icon must have been caused by a wrong interface texture list.
This is actually the first version that had an Orc interface. The other races use the Human interface.
Night Elves
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
No hero health
Hero health widefont
Hero health narrow font broken framedef
Hero health narrow font